
 bootleg whip


  • 1C Sugar

  • 2C Chilled Whipping Cream

  • 1t Vanilla

  • Pinch Salt

In a stand mixer bowl (or any large mixing bowl) combine:

1 C sugar (I use superfine granulated - but any type of your favorite sweetener will work. You can use less if you don’t like your whip super-sweet)

2 C Whipping Cream (chilled - give ‘er a shake to mix before you pour)

Mix on low for a minute or so until the sugar dissolves in the cream. You might want to stop and scrape your bowl a time or two

Gradually increase the mixer speed over the next minute or two as your cream thickens. (if you crank it to high straightaway - it’ll splash all over)

Whip on high until thick ‘stiff peak’ consistency.

Slow your mixer to Medium and add:

A splash of vanilla (1tsp or so) You can substitute your favorite flavoring instead - Almond or coconut extract, Splash of whiskey or rum, even Mint extract for a grasshopper pie!

A healthy pinch of salt (coarse kosher is my go-to but you-do-you. Don’t skip the salt - it makes all the difference between ‘good’ and ‘WOW’ when you serve this up!)

Mix briefly to just combine the flavorings.

Serve & enjoy.


Whipped cream will keep - covered- in the fridge for 3-5 days.

The amount of time you whip will be between 3-5 minutes and depend on the temperature of your cream when you started. If it never gets there - your cream was old, too warm, or you didn’t shake the carton before you poured it. Its not save-able. Start over (or just use it runny - its still as good, just not as pretty!).

Oh, and if you whip your cream too long, it’ll turn into butter. At this point - add a drizzle of honey & sprinkle of cinnamon & make whipped honey butter instead (you meant to do that!), or chuck it and start over. DONT use overwhipped cream in your coffee - or at least don’t say I didn’t warn-ya!